Wednesday, December 24, 2008


This post is a little unusual especially since it's not the conventional 'GEEBEE'S TRIP' Episode. GEEBEE'S TRIP is definitely not over. Ma'er of fact, it's hardly begun but then I want to believe it will be very much okay to digress a little and give the series a rest till 2009. Wao! did I just say 2009? Yes I did and it makes my body shiver and my heart tingle and my nuts jingle. The new year's just a week away and somehow I can't wait to touch it. The entire feeling sparks up a lot of looking back and reminiscing in my heart and the only words...

Wednesday, October 29, 2008


Weird stuff sure do happen but not as weird as some event I got wind of during the week. I got a forwarded email from a friend and it told a story of a ten year old boy who bought a pineapple by the roadside and a couple of days later (fifteen days precisely) he got sick. He was taken to the hospital and after a series of tests, he was confirmed H.I.V positive. Now, the family insisted on every member being tested and none of them was positive. On enquiry, the boy confessed he bought a pineapple and bla bla. The family members managed to trace...

Monday, October 20, 2008

A new chapter . . . getting very personal.

Recently a friend of mine got married. Well I won't exactly call him a friend cos I got my invite via text message from him about six days to his wedding and here's how it went -"Hey Geebee man what's going on? My wedding is on Saturday and I'll like you to be there. Please spread the word. Sorry for the late info but been trying to reach you endlessly all to no avail. thanks. God bless you."Now, that's supposed to sound convincing, right? Especially when I've got two working mobile phones and receive calls quite normally. Well, that's that. That's...

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Violent Tempers . . . another serious issue

I have often heard that men from the Northern part of Nigeria could be really crazy when angry (my apologies to the Northern bloggers, please). I’ve heard about the violent tempers of these guys who could behead anyone who got an inch close to their wives or their cattle! I have also heard that if medals were to be given for having violent tempers, then my Northern brothers would be natural gold medalists. I came so close to observing a flagrant...

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

The Embers are here!

Now at first sight and at first thought, one would wonder if the Embers are a group of people; probably a family. They could probably be a bunch'a gay guys or some broke ass dummies trying to make some cool cash. Better still, the Embers could be distant cousins I've been expecting for a while and who've gotten me excited on their arrival. Well fellows, as some smart folks might have now figured out, the Embers are no humans. They are not my cousins...

Friday, August 8, 2008

08-08-08. . . Another jinxed triple?

Hi. Yeah, that was brief, I know. I've got news. Good news and then Bad news and then Bad news! Let's begin with the good news. I got a job. Yeah a J-O-B! I just got employed in a new oil and gas firm here in Lagos called HEVI ENERGY RESOURCES LIMITED. Yeah, yeah, 'oil and gas' did I hear you say? That's where all the Nigerian money is right? I bet you probably think I've got a six-figure income attached to my new status now, right? That's where I give you the first bad news. No! I was shell-shocked. I'm expected to be on training for another six...

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Finally . . .

Wow, it's been a while I guess. Two weeks or thereabout. Thank God, July's almost over and thank God the year's almost over as well. You don't believe me? Which's closer to December? July or January? Now you see what I mean. Yeah, I almost forgot. TY's birthday and mine. How'd it go? I could only use one word to express. . .BOMB! It was, I tell you and I still got some goodies (did you see the cakes there?) to share if y'all care to ask for it. The...

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

2 days to go . . . 67 years too!

Today's July 16th, precisely two days to my big day . . . my birthday. What's new? Nothing save that I've kinda been having funny imaginations like how I would feel in another sixty seven years. Yeah, in precisely sixty seven years and two days time, I would turn ninety. Ninety! Oh, that's pretty far and somehow I can't help wondering how Modiba (South Africa's Mandela) made it that far! That dude's one pretty strong dude. I'm sure Obinwanne (big...

Friday, July 11, 2008

My daughter's birthday

Hey hey, I'm back again this time. Had to take care of some stuff during the week . . . like checking on my daughter and preparing for her birthday. Oh,you didn't know i had a daughter.Yeah i do, man and she's as cute as can be. Yeah, yeah, i'm too young (almost 23 and not even married for heavens'sake!) to have a daughter, right? Your opinion, man! Let's talk about that later. Watch out for her pix on this page soon. She's gonna be one on Sunday, July 20th.Imagine how close she was to coming on my birthday.I'm July 18th and you'd better wish...

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Ballack . . . What in the world happened?

So, what happened? Yeah, Spain won, didn't they? And that means a whole lot of things to me, not because I'm Spanish (you sure damn well know I ain't) or because I hope to go to Spain someday (when I save enough cash or meet some nice Spanish babe online). For no smart reason at all (maybe because of Cesc Fabregas), I just picked Spain and truly they won. Oh, my bet? Well I won the bet, but too bad, I didn't get any money from it because the guy...

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Just beating about/around the bush

Hey peoples! What? Peoples? Is that English? Of course it is. Now, before you begin to chide and chastise me about the incorrectness of my language usage, let me clarify. 'Hey people.' Now, that sounds better, doesn't it? Fine, that's what you think but I wanna believe we should be able to accomodate some new words these days, incorrect as they might sound. Left to me, 'peoples' sounds better in this context than 'people' cos to me, 'people' implies just a number of people (tautology, uh?) while 'peoples' relates to the whole world, if you'd excuse...

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Demo-crazy? A crazy demonstration or a demonstration of craziness?

"Demo-crazy." A new word? Sounds familiar? Spelling error? A joke? Whatever you think, that's what I've spelt and you bet I know what I'm talking about. Imagine seeing the word for the first time, I bet any normal human being will assume it's just a unification of the terms 'demonstration' (demo) and crazy, thus implying a demonstration of 'craziness' or a crazy demonstration as you might want to also put it. Again, I'm forced to go down memory lane to the words of one of the greatest Afrobeat kings ever to come out of this part of the world -...

Just a thought . . .

Hmm, i guess i just feel a little bored at the moment and so I'm thinking a couple of stuff and asking myself a million and one stupid questions. First question: Why do people die? Stupid question it seems but really, have you ever thought up an answer to that one? Is your concorted answer logical? Do you wonder if your answer is truly correct? If you find yourself in these situations, then you probably need to think up a lot more possible answers. Now, that's just one question. I've got a million more, (afterall, I had a million and one questions...